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Korea News

Beyond the story book by BTS
Beyond the Story – BTS Release 10th Anniversary Book
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BTS Jungkook photo
Exciting News: Jungkook of BTS Dominates iTunes Charts Worldwide with Solo Tracks!
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Fifty Fifty on the photo
Fifty Fifty, K-Pop Rookie Sensation, Makes History on Billboard Hot 100 SEOUL, June 1 (Yonhap) – K-Pop sensation Fifty Fifty has achieved a remarkable feat by maintaining its presence on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 for an impressive 10 consecutive weeks, setting a new record in the process. As per the latest singles chart released...
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Panic buying of salt
Loss of Trust in Authorities in South Korea and Japan Amid Fukushima Water Release As preparations for the disposal of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear meltdown are underway, concerns over the safety of seafood products have triggered panic buying in Japan. Consumers are stocking up on seafood items like salt and dried fish, leading...
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In this July 19, 2022 file photo, members of K-pop group BTS, in the back row, Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, front row second from left, pose during a ceremony appointing the BTS members as honorary ambassadors for the World Expo 2030 at HYBE's office in Yongsan, Seoul. Korea Times file
BTS 10th anniversary event Prime Minister Han Duck-soo has issued a directive for comprehensive safety measures in anticipation of the massive crowds expected to gather for a weekend event celebrating the 10th anniversary of global sensation BTS. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday night at a park near Seoul’s Yeouido, by the...
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